项目名称 暂无
副标题 被动式技术打造不“幼稚”的儿童空间
项目所在地 欧洲
开发商/业主 暂无
运营主体 Communauté de communes du Pays de Gex
项目类别 暂无
建成时间 暂无
占地面积 暂无
建筑面积 883 m²
方案认证 暂无
运营奖项 暂无
方案奖项 暂无

在法国与瑞士的边界,Saint Genis-Pouilly的一片新区域将开发建造一系列新设备和房屋建筑,未来连接日内瓦的有轨电车将为这里提供服务。作为Pays de Gex中的第一栋被动式建筑,项目设计使建筑年能耗实现低于30 kWh / m²。

On the border of France and Switzerland, this new district of Saint Genis-Pouilly will eventually host a range of equipment and housing buildings served by the future tramway from Geneva. The first passive building in the Pays de Gex, this project was designed so that its annual energy expenditure is less than 30 kWh / m².

项目外观,exterior of the project


Located on the edge of the new neighborhood, the building ensures the transition between new construction and a suburban complex to the south. Its general shape combines the impression of finesse and compactness necessary for its thermal performance.To the east, along the new path, the childcare facility is linked as a simple, linear volume, emphasizing the chain of the Jura in the background. On the south facade, the redents of the building allow to marry the triangular shape of the land. The stretching of the building in the east / west axis reduces the north-south depth while favoring solar gains.

建筑在东西轴线上延伸,减少了南北侧的进深,有利于吸收太阳能,the stretching of the building in the east / west axis reduces the north-south depth while favoring solar gains


Conversely, the north facade is very open and the service rooms play a role of thermal buffer. The facades are accompanied by a system of wooden trellis to the east and west. An overflowing roof also protects the exposed facades from the strongest sun rays. For the north facade and the patios, the timber frame is associated with a concrete structure that responds to the seismic constraints and ensures a good thermal inertia of the building. A filling of the wood frame by an insulation of hemp and lime ensures the performance walls. A large green roof flat covers and unifies the different volumes of the establishment, it is pierced in different places to offer skylights and patios. In the crowning of this roof, a shed integrates into a sloping roof: photovoltaic and solar panels, zenith lighting and technical buildings in zinc. This elongated element makes it possible to avoid any isolated emergence on the green roof.

木质框架与混凝土结构相结合,应对地震约束并确保建筑具有良好的热惰性,the timber frame is associated with a concrete structure that responds to the seismic constraints and ensures a good thermal inertia of the building

悬挑出的屋顶可以避免裸露的外墙受到最强烈的阳光照射,an overflowing roof also protects the exposed facades from the strongest sun rays

立面木框架近观,close view to the wood frame


Inside, natural light and wood structure punctuate the different spaces. This repetition of the structure allowed for the development of precise assembly details that contribute to the architectural definition of interior design. The simplicity of the volumes and the lines, the proportions adapted to the life and the vision of the children, offer a serene, warm frame, avoiding intentionally any “childish” connotation.

自然光线和木制结构点缀着不同的空间,natural light and wood structure punctuate the different spaces

室内体量和线条简洁,比例适应孩子们生活和视线,interior with the simplicity of the volumes and the lines, the proportions adapted to the life and the vision of the children

傍晚景象,view at evening


发布时间 2023-10-10 作者: gooood设计网







