项目名称 同济大学JOY GARDEN
副标题 绿色校园改造的小规模实验场,展现了绿色校园建筑立体绿化、生态循环理念与科技的结合。
项目所在地 上海
开发商/业主 都市绿创
运营主体 暂无
项目类别 学校/校园
建成时间 暂无
占地面积 暂无
建筑面积 暂无
官网 暂无
方案认证 暂无
运营奖项 暂无
方案奖项 暂无


With the accelerating of urbanization process, there are less and less greening-areas. Thus, the green campus, as a part of the city, plays an important role in promoting the sustainable development of the urban ecologicalization. With the development of skyrise greenery in high-density cities, green roofs is an effective way to renew the existed campus buildings. Under such circumstances, our research group tried to build an experimental garden on the roof of a small building in Tongji University by repetitious test and design from March to September, 2016.

▼ 鸟瞰图,bird view

▼ 屋顶花园一角,Views of the Garden



The roof usable area is 150 ㎡, 23m in length, maximum width 8.2m, minimum width 4.4m. The roof is an irregular rectangular surrounded by tall buildings.

After cooperate and discuss with relevant professional groups, construction and equipment supply partners, and innovation, research and development institutions, the IUG research group succeeded in doing a series of experiments on the roof, such as: structural load experiment, waterproof testing and modification, parametric design of wooden structures, the application of rainwater collection and automatic irrigation system, test of lightweight roof structure matrix and so on.

▼ 平面图,plan


Preparatory works


The original roof faced many problems such as waterproofing problem and small spaces. Based on such problems, IUG research group have done a lot of preparatory works before the construction such as compressive strength test, waterproof test and change the drains’ place.

▼ 屋顶改造前,Before the construction / 72小时闭水试验,72H Waterproof Test


199 light wood structures made the space partition possible

屋顶花园的空间界面通过数字化技术生成三维曲线并详细推敲了尺度与轮廓,最终设计出199片不同的木构架基本单元, 实现了具有座位、围栏、吊挂点等多个区域的全新空间。

The parametric design technology was used in designing the garden structure. After carefully measured the garden size and outline, the group finally designed 199 different light wood structures, and made the space partition possible.

▼ 199片不同木构架基本单元划分区域, 199 different light wood structures made the space partition possible

▼ 轻质木架构初稿, First Edition of the structures / Mary Polites老师深化设计稿,Detailed Design by Mary Polites


After the load test and guarantee the stability of structures, the pedestrian was risen in order to meet the needs of quick-draining.

▼ 屋顶花园功能分区图,Space Partition

▼ 建造中的轻质木架结构,The Structures to be built


Detail Designs


IUG research group has made a lot of detail designs enables you to have more surprise and funny experiences.

▼ 入口门牌,door plate

▼ 花园入口地板的JOY GARDEN轮滑,The pulley at the entrance of the garden

▼ 花园入口大门由木制衣架拼接构成,The gate was made by wooden hanger

▼ 独立花盆植物盆栽,可以随季节变换更替,Changeable plants / 龙骨构架的连接、钻孔设计,便于悬挂或放置物品,Drilling design

▼ 片状龙骨上放置蒲团后,成为休憩座椅,Resting seats

JOY GARDEN屋顶花园,展现了绿色校园建筑立体绿化、生态循环理念与科技的结合,植物灌溉与养护需要的电源、水源都取于自然,并用于自然,目前正在开发的APP将会进一步进行精密地监控与系统运行。

The construction of JOY GARDEN shows the possible combination of skyrise greenery, eco-cycle concept, science and technology. Water and power are taken from nature and are used for nature. Now, we are trying to developing an application in order to precise monitor the system running.

▼ 花团锦簇的小道,path

▼ 繁盛的花草,lush flowers


Water-recyclable garden


After co-design with professional teams, we are able to set up storage tank and control box on the ground floor integrated rainwater collection system, purification system and automatic irrigation system. Using the solar panel system to provide electricity, the instrumented intelligent system can make accurate calculation on rainwater and irrigation. This realized the integration of solar photovoltaic power generation, rainwater collection and purification and the automatic irrigation.

▼ 雨水收集系统示意图,Rainwater Collection System

▼ 置于一楼室外的雨水收集和净化系统、物联智能系统,The rainwater collection system, purification system and instrumented intelligent system on the ground floor

▼ 雨水收集系统,The rainwater collection system / 喷灌系统,The spray irrigation system / 滴灌系统,Drip irrigation system

目前,改造后的JOY GARDEN屋顶花园,作为绿色校园改造的小规模实验,将逐步结合立体绿化的现场教学、系列立体绿植的评估和专题测试开展一系列的校园建筑绿色改造后续跟踪实验,同时也为师生提供了一个登高小憩的场所。

JOY GARDEN, as part of green campus reform project, will be used in scene teaching and skyrise greenery experiments. Also, JOY GARDEN can be a good place to have a rest.

▼ 模型,model

IUG(Innovative Urban Green都市绿创)小组是以同济大学建筑与城市规划学院景观学系董楠楠副教授建立的国际化跨专业联合攻关与创新设计的工作组,旨在开展针对高密度城市中的立体绿化技术与环境营建研究创新。特别致谢:Mary Polites老师,沈洁老师的支持与顾问参与。

Innovative Urban Green (IUG research group) is an international, interdisciplinary and innovative design group leading by associate professor Nannan Dong from college of architecture and urban planning, Tongji University. We aimed at innovative research on skyrise greenery in high-density cities and environmental construction. You are welcome to focus on our follow-ups on the JOY GARDEN. It’s our great honor to work with Prof. Mary Polites and assistant Prof. Jie SHEN in designing the JOY GARDEN.

▼ 卫星图,areal photo

▼ 设计图纸,drawing

发布时间 2023-05-31 作者: gooood设计网







