项目名称 Dorshada泰国度假酒店
副标题 轻盈的结构,精致的细节
项目所在地 暂无
开发商/业主 暂无
运营主体 暂无
项目类别 文旅/度假
建成时间 2020-03-05
占地面积 暂无
建筑面积 4000㎡
官网 暂无
方案认证 暂无
运营奖项 暂无
方案奖项 暂无


▼项目概览,overview © DOF Sky|Ground

Dorshada resort is a beachfront resort located in Chonburi, Thailand, consist of 4 types of contemporary Thai-style buildings. This project is to re-facade an existing inland 5 stories hotel building as the client wanted to have a modern luxury architectural style to attract younger age tourists and new customers.

▼改造前后对比,before and after renovation © DOF Sky|Ground


▼极具轻盈感的新立面,the new facade is full of light and airy © DOF Sky|Ground

As the strong selling point of Dorshada resort is Thai design characteristic, along with the composition of Thai-style buildings, so our designing team decided to keep the accent of “Thainess” and combined with modern architectural design. The interpretation of “Thainess” may not come from the Thai gable roofline nor by golden graceful decorations but from emphasizing the sense of space, lightness, a delicacy in detail, and harmony with nature.

▼泰式特征与现代建筑设计相结合的水平屏风,a horizontal screen that combines Thai features with modern architectural design © DOF Sky|Ground


The existing building lay parallel along northwest and southeast axis so one side of the guest room will directly emit strong and hot ray of sunlight in the summer and the rain will be a dash in when the rainy season comes, thus, the exterior screen to filtrate sunray and strong wind were needed. The vertical screens in front of the room balcony are made from lathe timber with Thai internode pattern by using traditional woodturning techniques and all of them were made by local villagers. For the ceiling screen, the cantilever wood-pattern aluminum screens were introduced to reduce the additional weight to the existing structure and remain warm timber-like feeling. By adding these architectural elements, a suitable space was created for the guest who stays in this hotel.

▼天花板屏风引入了悬臂式木纹铝屏风,以减少对现有结构的附加重量,the ceiling screen, the cantilever wood-pattern aluminum screens were introduced to reduce the additional weight to the existing structure © DOF Sky|Ground

▼通过设置外屏风来过滤房外的阳光和强风,external screens to filter sunlight and strong winds from outside the room. © DOF Sky|Ground


▼仰视屏风,looking up to the screen © DOF Sky|Ground

“Lightness” is the main idea we wanted to deliberately explore during our design process to restore the 10 years old bulky concrete building to become lighter and harmony with the surrounding nature. “Awareness” of natural phenomena such as sunrise and sunset in a different season, sea breeze, wind and squall, and natural material aging were created by the repetition of vertical timber screens and horizontal aluminum screen. Communication between nature and architecture was evoked when sun ray interpenetrates through layers of the aluminum screen and when the sunshade on the pattern of vertical timber screen in a different time and angle, we will be aware of space and time through architecture.

▼夜幕时分,at night © DOF Sky|Ground

▼细部,detail © DOF Sky|Ground

▼总布局图,layout © ACA ARCHITECTS

▼一层平面,1f plan © ACA ARCHITECTS

▼顶层平面,roof plan © ACA ARCHITECTS

▼立面图,elevations © ACA ARCHITECTS

▼墙体剖面,wall sections© ACA ARCHITECTS

发布时间 2023-03-05 作者: ACA ARCHITECTS







